V nedeljo, 10. decembra 2023, je v Avditoriju Portorož potekala predstavitev projekta Intervjuji z našimi starejšimi: Piero Rotter, Marcello Vesnaver, Lidia Maria Ruzzier Buršič, Giovanni Petronio, Ondina Lusa, Anna Dessardo, Bianca Ruzzier Zudich, Elena Dugan Ferjančič, Giorgio Bruno Smilovich.
Izvedba projekta: Andrea Bartole v sodelovanju z Danielo Ipsa, Mattio Baničem, Tino Braico in Leonom Kolmanom.
Organizator: Društvo mladih italijanske narodnosti v sodelovanju s Samoupravno skupnostjo italijanske narodnosti Piran in Skupnostjo Italijanov Giuseppe Tartini Piran.
Zgodbe o preteklosti, ki jih pripovedujejo ljudje, ki so živeli v nekih drugih časih. Zgodbe o življenju, ki se danes zdi nepredstavljivo. Zgodbe o ljudeh, ki so Piran in Istro vzljubili mnogo pred današnjimi rodovi in ki jo nosijo v srcu že skoraj stoletje. Vse te zgodbe se prepletajo v projektu, katerega drugi del so predstavili v avli Avditorija Portorož, 10. decembra 2023. V projektu, ki nosi naslov Testimonianze – interviste ai nostri anziani (Pričevanja – pogovori z našimi starejšimi).
»Projekta smo se lotili z namenom ustvariti digitalni arhiv pogovorov pa tudi zgodovinskega spomina, da bi lahko nekako sestavili in povedali zgodbo istrskega prostora, kakršen je nekoč bil,« je o cilju projekta povedal Andrea Bartole, predsednik Samoupravne skupnosti italijanske narodnosti Piran in pobudnik pogovorov s pričevalci.
Ljudje, rojeni v času pred drugo svetovno vojno, predstavljajo dragoceno enciklopedijo modrosti. V nasprotju z zgodovinarji, ki naj bi vsak po svoje razlagali zgodovino, sami namreč ničesar ne priredijo, saj govorijo o svojem življenju. V življenjskih pripovedih pa glavne vloge niso dodeljene ne levim ne desnim, ne našim ne vašim, temveč spominom, ljudem, občutkom, slikam, vonju in hrepenenju po času, ki ga ni več.
»Žal se je ogromno spominov sčasoma izgubilo. Če ljudem omogočimo, da o njih spregovorijo, mi pa jim prisluhnemo, lahko dejansko obnovimo življenje, kot je bilo nekoč. Oživljamo naš prostor, pa tudi našo identiteto, tradicijo, vse, zaradi česar smo italijanska skupnost, vse, kar nas je naredilo takšne, kot smo danes,« se je Bartole dotaknil vezi med preteklostjo in sedanjostjo.
Na čelu te vezi so uspešno krmarili mladi iz Društva mladih italijanske narodne skupnosti, ki so za projekt prispevali svoja sodobna znanja in sposobnosti. Z njihovo pomočjo je nastal nekaj več kot uro dolg dokumentarni posnetek, ki so ga predvajali na predstavitvi. Lani so opravili deset intervjujev, letos pa jih je nastalo še prav toliko novih.
V drugem delu so se po besedah Bartola odločili, da razširijo krog intervjuvancev tudi na tiste, ki so Piranu že davno pomahali v slovo.
»Šli smo na lov za Pirančani, ki so v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja odšli. Pogovarjali smo se z dvema, Giovannijem Petroniom in Marcellom Vesnaverjem. Ker sta odšla iz Pirana kot majhna dečka, so prav spomini nanj pustili v njima globoke odtise,« je dejal.
Poleg dveh ezulov so v pogovorih, ki jih je ob pomoči Mattie Baniča, Tine Braico in Leona Kolmana opravila neprecenljiva Daniela Ipsa, sodelovali še Pietro Rotter, Lidia Maria Ruzzier Buršič, Ondina Lusa, Anita Dessardo, Bianca Ruzzier Zudich, Elena Dugan Ferjančič in Giorgio Bruno Smilovich. Vsi so se vabilu z veseljem odzvali in Danieli odprli svoje srce.
»Prijetno je bilo poslušati zabavne zgodbe, nekateri pogovori pa so se me zelo dotaknili. Ljudje so bili tako pogumni in pridni, z veliko željo po učenju, rasti, ustvarjanju in odkrivanju sveta. A takratni časi niso ponujali obilja, zato je bila njihova edina želja, da najdejo delo in poskrbijo za svojo družino. Prav zaradi družin, ki so nastajale, smo tudi mi danes tukaj in lahko govorimo o tem,« je pojasnila Daniela Ipsa.
Projekt je plod medgeneracijskega sodelovanja, zato vsi sodelujoči upajo, da se bo nadaljeval.
»Eden od ciljev projekta je tudi primerjava različnih generacij, ki ponuja možnosti za dialog. Zato je to projekt ki je zelo pomemben za nas, mlade, in ga bomo z veliko predanostjo izvajali tudi vnaprej,« je dejal Dyego Tuljak, predsednik Društva mladih italijanske narodne skupnosti.
Ko si preteklost in sedanjost podata roke, se vedno rodi preplet svetov, ki v sebi nosi tako korenine preteklega, ustvarjalnost sedanjega in semena prihodnjega časa.
Besedilo in foto: Nataša Fajon
We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability.
To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.
This website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs.
Additionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application remediates the website’s HTML, adapts Its functionality and behavior for screen-readers used by the blind users, and for keyboard functions used by individuals with motor impairments.
If you’ve found a malfunction or have ideas for improvement, we’ll be happy to hear from you. You can reach out to the website’s operators by using the following email
Our website implements the ARIA attributes (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) technique, alongside various different behavioral changes, to ensure blind users visiting with screen-readers are able to read, comprehend, and enjoy the website’s functions. As soon as a user with a screen-reader enters your site, they immediately receive a prompt to enter the Screen-Reader Profile so they can browse and operate your site effectively. Here’s how our website covers some of the most important screen-reader requirements, alongside console screenshots of code examples:
Screen-reader optimization: we run a background process that learns the website’s components from top to bottom, to ensure ongoing compliance even when updating the website. In this process, we provide screen-readers with meaningful data using the ARIA set of attributes. For example, we provide accurate form labels; descriptions for actionable icons (social media icons, search icons, cart icons, etc.); validation guidance for form inputs; element roles such as buttons, menus, modal dialogues (popups), and others. Additionally, the background process scans all of the website’s images and provides an accurate and meaningful image-object-recognition-based description as an ALT (alternate text) tag for images that are not described. It will also extract texts that are embedded within the image, using an OCR (optical character recognition) technology. To turn on screen-reader adjustments at any time, users need only to press the Alt+1 keyboard combination. Screen-reader users also get automatic announcements to turn the Screen-reader mode on as soon as they enter the website.
These adjustments are compatible with all popular screen readers, including JAWS and NVDA.
Keyboard navigation optimization: The background process also adjusts the website’s HTML, and adds various behaviors using JavaScript code to make the website operable by the keyboard. This includes the ability to navigate the website using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, operate dropdowns with the arrow keys, close them with Esc, trigger buttons and links using the Enter key, navigate between radio and checkbox elements using the arrow keys, and fill them in with the Spacebar or Enter key.Additionally, keyboard users will find quick-navigation and content-skip menus, available at any time by clicking Alt+1, or as the first elements of the site while navigating with the keyboard. The background process also handles triggered popups by moving the keyboard focus towards them as soon as they appear, and not allow the focus drift outside of it.
Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.
We aim to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies as possible, so our users can choose the best fitting tools for them, with as few limitations as possible. Therefore, we have worked very hard to be able to support all major systems that comprise over 95% of the user market share including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge, JAWS and NVDA (screen readers), both for Windows and for MAC users.
Despite our very best efforts to allow anybody to adjust the website to their needs, there may still be pages or sections that are not fully accessible, are in the process of becoming accessible, or are lacking an adequate technological solution to make them accessible. Still, we are continually improving our accessibility, adding, updating and improving its options and features, and developing and adopting new technologies. All this is meant to reach the optimal level of accessibility, following technological advancements. For any assistance, please reach out to